Has Microsoft’s Gaming Division Created a New Trend ?
Microsoft decides to “Make It Rain”…
Several months after the release of the latest gaming consoles (the Xbox Series X/S and the PS5), gamers across the globe have been publicly voicing their opinions, as to whether or not the newer systems are outperforming their predecessors.
In my opinion, Microsoft’s gaming division has inadvertently created the newset trend amongst gaming companies alike. With their acquisition of ZeniMax, Microsoft is seemingly leveling the playing field when it comes to first party exclusive games. ZeniMax is the parent company of the gaming studio Bethesda, who previously developed popular games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim.
Sony (Creators of the Playstation consoles ), has followed suit by acquiring Housemarque, which is a gaming studio behind one of PS5’s most notable exclusives to date, called Returnal. Although the acquisition cost was never made public, people still speculated as to how much money Sony might’ve forked over to acquire Housemarque. Unfortunately, Sony didn’t create nearly as much as a viral uproar as Microsoft did when it was announced that 7.5 billion dollars was being spent to obtain ZeniMax, in early Spring of this year.
Yes, Im completely aware that tech companies have been purchasing gaming studios since the inception of the video-gaming industry. But I feel as though, Microsoft has created a since of pressure, not seen in recent years, persuading its competitors to conform to its newest trend, which is spending large sums of cash in order to guarantee it’s customers the best gaming experience. Who Knows? Maybe Nintendo is next.
“This could very well be the start of a modern trend in todays tech/gaming world… A rather expensive trend.”