3 Simple Steps for Overcoming Writers Block.

Merio Wayde
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

Yes, its possible.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

A completely blank page with a blinking cursor is usually how many stories begin. As a writer, formulating ideas to write about can sometimes take longer than expected, and in turn, can often frustrate the writer. There are many different ways to get your “Creative Juices” flowing when trying to think of things to jot down. Here are 3 simple steps I use to help me to overcome writers block.

  • The Free-Writing Approach
  • The Self Inspired Approach
  • The “Have No Fear” Approach

Free-Writing Approach

This approach is used to free the mind from the constraints of writing a perfect article. Disregard conventional grammar, and just write about literally anything. There are so many different topics to choose from, but overthinking can cloud the mind. So, what I like to do is write down (at least) 5 random (topics), and expand upon each singular topic with a paragragh that further explains whatever the subject matter is. These paragraghs can now be turned into potential articles. “Simple Right?”

The Self-Inspired Approach

You can be inspired by anyone, but sometimes the motivation needed to complete your next story or blog, is within your own works…



Merio Wayde

An aspiring freelance writer…who enjoys writing about random topics…